Saturday, 9 January 2010

Exploring The Islands in Hawaii

You won't discover Hawaii sitting in your hotel room. Rent a car or book tours to explore the islands and truly discover endless miles of beaches, spectacular scenery, historical sites, museums, and the people that make Hawaii the wonderful place that it is. There are so many things to do while you are in Hawaii you will have to select just a few and check out the others on your next trip. Select from those below to explore the many options on the Islands.
Interesting Facts about each of the islands
Sight Seeing
Beaches are the highlight for many people
Activities that will add to you enjoyment during your vacation
Restaurants to consider
Helicopter Rides on Kauai

We want you to have a safe and enjoyable trip. In a paradise like Hawaii it's easy to let your guard down. As with other places in the world, most people are friendly and honest, but there are a few that are not and will take advantage of any situation. In general, conduct yourself as you would do while at home, such as avoiding poorly lit areas at night. Never carry large amounts of cash and never lock valuables, such as cameras, in your rental car. If you are drinking, choose a designated driver.

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